Key Pointers To Know Before Editing Real Estate Photos.

Buyers looking to buy a property make up half of their minds by looking at the very first picture. That is the power of a good edited real estate photo. Some simple corrections and techniques will take your real estate photo to a higher level. 

The more appealing the picture, the more buyers you will get. Editing real estate photographs is not an easy task. It takes considerable effort and in-depth understanding to get that perfect picture without misleading the clients. This is the reason why photo editing in the real estate industry is such a crucial part. Edits like color boost, light enhancement, sky replacements, object removal, can make or break your deal with a buyer. Apps like light room, photoshop, enable you to get the desired shot you are looking for. But when do changes become too much?

Did go a tad bit too far and changed the image completely? So much so that when the buyers physically visit the property they find no similarity between the image and the property in front of their eyes.

Here is a guide to look at before you edit your real estate photograph

Edits allowed in your image.
  • Colour Correction-Colour is one element that attracts prospective buyers the most. Now, what comes under color correction? Here, you can change the outside climate conditions, interior lighting, window tint, and different elements that influence the shade of the property. By doing so, changing colors is acceptable as long as you don’t alter the colors of any objector background completely.


  • Image Enhancement–Let’s be honest, our mental image does not always get captured in the camera. To match the image we mentally pictured, certain enhancements or adjustments are necessary. Here you can alter the image by adjusting the brightness, sharpness, contrast, white balance, alongside other perspectives.


  • Cropping–In real estate images cropping is required to improve encircling, change the perspective or the spotlight to highlight a particular object as opposed to its surroundings. However, you have to make sure that you do not crop out important objects or permanent fixtures like, for example, electrical posts, water towers, appliances that will remain with the move-in, as they can alter the property completely.


  • Vertical Correction–A huge part of your real estate editing process is ensuring that your photographs are vertically adjusted. They can enhance the look of the image and it is one of the edits that is expected in every image.


  • Sky Replacement–No one can control the weather, the day you decide to shoot your property, the sky may turn out to be dark and gloomy, affecting your entire picture. Thus comes the necessity of a sky replacement.


  • Object Removal–Objects that are not fixed like cars, electrical cords, gardening equipment, personal photo frames, garbage bins, etc. can be removed via editing to give the image a clean and sought-after look.


  • Minor Additions-Minor additions like fire in a chimney, a flower jar, a portrait, etc. can be edited in a picture that lifts the appearance of the room rather than having a picture of a vacant room. Nowadays, realtors go one step further to “virtually stage” a property. Some organizations specialize in virtually staging a vacant home. The services range between $10 to$30 per picture, and the pictures can be edited keeping in mind the taste of the buyers or the realtors.


Edits not allowed in your image.

  • Removing permanent fixtures–Objects or fixtures that come with buying the property should at no cost be removed from the pictures. A photographer can however shoot from a point that hides or limits the appearance of such objects. Fixtures like railroad tracks, fire hydrants, utility poles, or fences if removed can be seen as deceiving the buyers and is a complete no-no.
  • Changing the background–A replacement from a dark and dull sky to a bright and sunny one is perfectly accessible. However, what is not acceptable is changing the background completely from a city horizon to a sea-facing property. This deceives the buyers and makes the realtor a fraud. The image should be kept as realistic as possible to help prospective buyers make an informed decision to purchase the property.


Editing real estate photos is a necessary and essential part of the real estate industry. The edits should be such that enhance and adds a bit of a pop to your picture. There is a fine line between enhancement and a complete distortion. Make sure you stay within acceptable limits while editing your pictures. To do so, hiring a professional team to edit your real estate pictures is the best bet. They are specialized in this service and can help you catch the eyes of the buyers!

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